badge of the broken part 1

The Badge of the Broken pt1

The badge of the broken burns
The heart of those it torments
The pain is incessant
The helplessness the same
The extent to which the bearer’s bear the badge suggest
There is nothing in this to be gained
Tattered torn remnants
Of a heart that once was whole are reminders
That wholeness is no more
Hope is a distant thought
Much like a long lost relative
A distant aunt
Precarious predicament
Situations in chaotic state
Trust is a fantasy
Longing is ever present
Escape never happens, but sadness happens. And life happens around that.

I WROTE THIS POEM –About two years ago in the throws of terrible grief .I had in one moment lost some loved ones/friends .LOST EVERYTHING. That type of grief I would not wish on my worst enemy but, in the end it produced in me terrible need for JESUS. I learned that He is close to the brokenhearted .I learned to depend on Him(like a child infant child learns to depend on their mom or dad). I learned to lean .I learned to rest. I learned to walk. and now I praise God for letting me go through all of that to get know HIM more. I didn’t change the content of the poem because I want to make it clear that I was such in a state of “God I cant get off this floor, so how can I trust you.”. Amazingly through his grace mercy and strength most importantly He showed me that I could trust Him. If your grieving and you cant get off the floor or muster the strength to take of your badge of brokenness ITS OK THE LORD LONGS TO BE NEAR YOU. Simply allow Him to.

About kgkwood

nothing to say about me....
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